BCC’s Bridge Program, Localizing and Diversifying the Supply Chain, builds connections between large institutions like hospitals, universities and libraries (also called anchor institutions) and smaller, locally owned businesses to localize and diversify the supply chain. In Brooklyn alone, anchor institutions spend billions annually on medical supplies, management and legal services, office expenses, IT, food, and equipment and maintenance. Currently, not enough of this economic activity benefits local communities.
The Bridge is rooted in the understanding that creating and retaining financial opportunities for local residents, both as business owners and as employees of local businesses, is a critical element of health and well-being of communities. BCC advances what is known as the anchor mission approach, which encourages and supports large institutions to channel their sizable purchasing power into the communities around them, increasing communities’ overall health and wellbeing in the process. The Bridge program includes facilitating connections between local businesses and anchor institutions for contracting opportunities.
On one end of the bridge, BCC works alongside its anchor partners to increase non-clinical spending with diverse local businesses. On other side of the bridge, BCC helps promote opportunities with our anchor partners and prepares local business owners to compete for contracts with mentorship and support to help them build knowledge, form networks, and address capacity needs.
Advancing Hospitals’ Local Supplier Diversity Initiatives